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Setting the Stage: Showcase Your Home for Potential Buyers

With all the things that go into preparing your home for sale, the process can seem pretty overwhelming. Luckily, these tips from Lauren Tizabi can help you relieve stress while enhancing curb appeal. So let’s get started!

Make the Outside Say, "Come Indoors"

The outside of your home tells its own story and often indicates what buyers can expect of the inside. Entice buyers through your front door by implementing some of these curb appeal ideas.

  • Flower boxes. Boxes can be installed under windows, hung from deck railings, or lined up along walkways. Fill them with plants best suited to your climate.

  • Decorative door knocker. These cost as little as $15 and come in numerous designs.

  • Sunshades. Make your porch feel like an extension of your interior by installing shades that provide a cool and comfortable place for entertaining.

  • Maintained walkways. You can frame paths with bricks or flowers or design a winding path to add shape and character.

  • Picket fence. Install a partial or complete fence to define your yard and add finesse. A picket fence can make a house feel like a home.

  • Clean your gutters. A build-up of debris in gutters can cause foundation and roof damage.

Look at Your House Through the Eyes of a Buyer

Buyers need to envisage themselves living in your house. While pictures of you and your family hanging on walls or your kids' paintings and drawings on the refrigerator may appeal to you, they can distract potential buyers.

Besides photos, other personal items should also be removed or stored out of sight:

  • Items of clothing

  • Toothbrushes and soaps

  • Religious effects, so as not to offend someone with different beliefs

  • Children's toys

  • Unfolded or dirty laundry

  • Awards and certificates

  • Fridge magnets

It’s also critical that you declutter and deep clean your home before buyers enter. When cleaning, tackle any space that a home buyer may have access to.

Staging Your Home for Photographs

The easiest way to ensure you get your images right is to hire a professional photographer. If you decide to do it yourself, the following tips may help.

The Outside

  • Ensure the front of the house is in good natural light.

  • Remove any vehicles.

  • Mow the lawn and tidy around the garden.

  • Clean the windows.

The Inside

  • Rearrange your furniture to make the area look more spacious.

  • Place excess furniture in storage for the time being. Luckily, finding L.A. self storage is easy, with 152 facilities currently available in the area.

  • Replace any dead light bulbs to ensure rooms are well lit.

  • Open the blinds and curtains.

  • Make beds and use bedding that complements the room's decor.

  • Shut all drawers and wardrobe doors.

  • Design a paper-planning system for your home office to eliminate clutter.

  • Keep kitchen bins out of sight.

  • Clear the sink.

  • Hide your pet's feeding bowls and beds.

  • Put the toilet lid down.

  • Remove the toilet roll from its holder.

  • Neatly arrange or fold any towels.

Improve Your Chances of a Quick Sale

You have a better chance of making a quick sale if you properly prepare your home. Carrying out simple tasks such as decluttering, enhancing curb appeal, and removing personal objects can vastly improve the chances of a buyer signing on the dotted line.

As a realtor, Lauren Tizabi is widely known for being a first rate negotiator who places her clients’ interests at the forefront. Call (310) 666-1537.


Mobile: (310) 666-1537

9454 Wilshire Blvd., First Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

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